Jesus. Changes. Everything.

Jesus steps into our story to pursue a relationship with us - bringing with Him the forgiveness of sin, hope, healing, peace for a troubled heart, transformation, restoration, and the call to follow wherever He leads! If you don't know Jesus, we'd love to introduce you to Him. We meet on Sundays at 10am.

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Our Mission

Bringing Jesus to people and people to Jesus - the hope of the world.

Jesus truly changes everything, and He left us with the commission in Matthew 28:18-20 to “Go and make disciples,” promising to be with us until the very end. Our desire is to live out this commission with excellence, love, and purpose, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our steps. Relationship is central in this process - not only in our personal relationship with Jesus (which is foundational), but also in our relationships with our fellow believers, as well as those within our circles of influence who are still searching. As a church, we want to steward all of our relationships in a way that both honors God and points people to Jesus. 

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Get Connected

 We believe getting connected to a local church is an integral way to better understand how God might want to use us as He shapes HIS story for our lives. God never intended for us to do life alone; we actually need one another on our faith journey.

There's a place for you here! Life is better in community.

Discover Some Next Steps

"Jesus is the hope of the world and the local church is the vehicle for expressing that hope to the world."

- Pastor Andy Stanley -

Sunday Series

Stay up-to-date with our most recent sermon series. Our pastors seek to communicate God's Word in a way that is both easy to understand and moves us to action. The Word changes us by transforming our hearts from the inside out!

Discover Fort

Located on the city's southside, we are a multi-generational, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled church - known for our welcoming hospitality, generosity, and genuine love for people. We also believe in the role of the local church. It's as we come together in community (to serve, encourage, strengthen, and spur one another on), we are reminded that we are part of something much bigger than any one person or any one church. The Church is mighty and it's mobile; it can't be contained inside of buildings; the Church is us! And the message of the Good News is for every nation, tribe, language, and people (Revelation 14:6). As Christ's followers, we each get to play a small part in bringing the hope of Jesus to a broken world. (That's pretty cool!)

We'd love to help you discover how God has shaped you to serve the world around you.

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