Why Fort?
Located on the city's south side, we are a multi-generational, Spirit-empowered, Christ-centered church with a heart for our community, our city, and our world. We are known for our welcoming hospitality, generosity, and genuine love for people.
We also believe in the role of the local church.
It's a place of gathering and sending. Giving and receiving. Drawing out and pouring in. Restoring (our brokenness) and breaking (our own agendas and pride). It's a place of discovery and heart transformation. Community and family. It's where we gain a better understanding of how God has uniquely shaped us to serve the world around us with the hope and light of Christ. It's also where we are reminded that we are part of something much bigger than any one person or any one church. The Church is mighty and it's mobile. It can't be contained inside of buildings. The Church is us!
Maybe it's been awhile since you've stepped inside a church. If so, we'd encourage you to find a local, Bible-centered church to come alongside of you on your journey. We'd love to be that church! We meet on Sundays at 10am. Come early for coffee & donuts beginning at 9:15am.
Check out our ministries and meet our leaders.
There's a place for you here.
Bringing Jesus to people and people to Jesus - the hope of the world.
Central to our mission are these three guiding principles:
- Helping people pursue a personal, thriving relationship with Jesus Christ that leads to genuine heart and life transformation.
- Growing in relationship with one another as we strengthen community and walk in unity. We are a family, and we are stronger together.
- Empowering people to reach out into their circles of influence, building bridges and offering people the hope and love of Christ.
Jesus truly changes everything, and He steps into our story to pursue a relationship with us. The message of the gospel is for every nation, tribe, language, and people (Revelation 14:6). As Christ-followers, we are empowered by His Spirit to bring the HOPE of the gospel to all people, everywhere. It's a privilege to BOTH "live the good news" and "share the good news" - leaving the outcome to God alone (Romans 10:15).
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
At the center of our mission is the reality that our relationships matter – starting with our personal relationship with Christ (which is foundational) and then expanding outward to our relationships with our fellow believers, as well as to those within our circles of influence who are still searching.
As a church, we want to steward all of our relationships in a way that both honors God and points people to Jesus.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see hearts and lives transformed through the power of Jesus Christ and the ongoing work of God's Spirit - the broken made whole, relationships mended, families strengthened, freedom for the captive, healing for the sick, and hope for the hopeless (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18).
- Walking together as a loving family
- Living generously
- Making disciples
- Serving our community & city
- Restoring the broken
- Developing leaders
- Equipping the next generation
what we believe: Our Statement of Faith
The Bible
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the only infallible guide and rule of our faith and practice.
We believe there is one God. In the unity of the Godhead, there are three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal in every divine perfection and attribute, fulfilling distinct but complementary roles in the great work of redemption.
The Plan of Redemption
We believe Jesus Christ was the sacrifice God planned from the foundation of the world for the sin of the human race. By shedding His blood and dying on the cross, Jesus made provision for the salvation of all people.
We believe, because of our total inability to save ourselves, salvation is by God's grace alone. It is received by faith with repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Savior.
Water Baptism
We believe water baptism by immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is an outward sign of an inward work and is commanded by God following conversion.
We believe in partaking of the bread and the cup of communion in remembrance of the Lord's death, burial, and resurrection. We celebrate an open communion for all believers regardless of church affiliation.
Spirit-Filled Life
We believe every Christian should walk and abide in daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit and experience continual renewing of God's power to live a Spirit-filled life in attitudes, thoughts, speech, and conduct. In order to build up and equip both individual believers and the Church of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts that are to be earnestly desired and exercised in the spirit of love. The fruit of the Spirit to be cultivated in the life of every believer is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Church Relationship
We believe Christians should assemble regularly for edification, worship, fellowship, and proclamation of the gospel. All believers should do the work of the ministry according to their spiritual gifts and should tithe and otherwise contribute financially to their church.
Evangelism & Missions
We believe the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to carry the gospel message to the entire world - to every nation, ethnicity, culture, and language. The growth and strength of the Church depend on its wholehearted sacrifice and support for world evangelization.
Second Coming of Christ
We believe the second coming of Christ will be personal, visible, and triumphant.